Home Featured Mums Book Review: ‘Risking it All’ by Anna-Maria Mwachinga

Book Review: ‘Risking it All’ by Anna-Maria Mwachinga

‘Risking it All’ by Anna-Maria Mwachinga

Title: Risking it All

Author: Anna-Maria Mwachinga

Genre: Christian romance (fiction)

Available at: My Bidhaa, Nuria bookstore, Amazon

Reviewer: Maryanne W. Waweru

I was instantly attracted to this book when a promo of it showed up on my Instagram feed. I was immediately drawn to it by the cover –the colors, the flashy girl, and the title. ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ notwithstanding, I, judging on its outward appearance alone, decided that it would be worth a read.

Now, let me begin by stating that ‘Risking it All’ by Anna-Maria Mwachinga is a purely Christian-based novel, so if you’re not into a scripture-based lifestyle, you may find it to be a bit of a challenging read.

So, the book principally features the family, romantic and professional life of the main character, Abby, a young lady who is a born-again Christian.

The author takes us through Abby’s experiences as a fresh graduate, and her entry into her first job as a management trainee in their family-owned business. We also get to learn about her life-long links with her childhood friends –one of whom is a fellow management trainee, her workplace experiences and of course, the romantic liaisons that characterize the life of most young adults in their early-to-mid-twenties. The author takes us through Abby’s internal conflict between two potential love interests, and her test of faith as a born-again Christian when it comes to dating –for marriage.

Parental influence

From my observation, Abby’s life is heavily peppered by the domineering presence and influence of her parents. I’m not sure if Abby is living her own life, or if she’s living her life as subtly dictated to by her parents.

Abby’s experiences remind me of the lives of many young Christian women. Always conflicted about doing right by God and by their parents, vs. wanting to just make their own decisions when faced with the temptations of the world and thereafter facing the consequences of their against-the-grain, sometimes radical decisions.

Abby’s experiences also made me ponder over the boundaries that one should have when it comes to their parent’s influence in their lives. At what point should one begin to make independent decisions, without heavily factoring in what their parents think? At what point should parents step back and let children live their own lives? How can parents offer guidance to their children without indirectly imposing their wishes and beliefs on them?

As a parent, it is good for you to read this book as it will help you reflect on how you parent your child, your power over them, and to what extent this influence is healthy.

The test of salvation

When we are saved and our love interests are non-saved people, what are we willing to compromise on, and what are our non-negotiables?

The book made me reflect on the dilemma that many born-again Christians face, between sticking to one’s strong beliefs vs looking at issues from a practical point of view. Some of the decisions by the characters in the book also made me think about our love interests and the lengths to which they are willing to go to be in our lives. Especially when they know about our non-negotiables. How can we determine their genuineness, more so when they come back to us freshly aligned with what they know are our deal breakers? Do they remain changed after we accept them, or do they revert once they know they have bagged the prize? Are we usually willing to take that risk?

These are some of the questions I kept asking myself as I flipped through the pages of ‘Risking it All’ by Anna-Maria Mwachinga.

‘Risking it All’ by Anna-Maria Mwachinga

What was a miss for me about the book was the inclusion of lengthy scriptures and prayers by some of the characters, which I didn’t think were necessary. For example, there is a part in the book where the entire Psalms 136 is published. Though they gave good context and meaning, I skipped most of those prayers and scriptures.

Would I recommend this book?

Absolutely! If you have a daughter, niece, cousin, friend, or friend’s daughter who is in her final year in campus, or one who has just graduated, this is a read they would appreciate. Especially if they have been raised in the Christian way of life.

The book is also good for parents who are raising their young children in the ways of the Lord, as it will help them to reinforce some values and teachings which will come in handy as they become young adults. So, this is a book for both young people and parents.

This is a new book, only launched earlier this month on 2 August 2024. I hope that the author will give us a sequel to this book because I am interested in knowing how Abby’s life turned out in her next chapter of life. I would like to know if it continued being sugar, spices, and all things nice, or if she got to face the real challenges of adulting life, particularly where romantic commitment is concerned.

Where to buy ‘Risking it All’ by Anna-Maria Mwachinga

You can purchase the book from My Bidhaa, Nuria bookstore or Amazon. If you do read the book, feel free to let me know your thoughts about it in the comments section below. If you have already read it, please share your thoughts too!

Are you an author of a book you would like me to review? You can write me at: maryanne@mummytales.com for more information.



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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