I asked several Kenyan mothers on Facebook this question:
“What common challenges do new mothers face?”
I then listed down the most common and recurring responses they gave, in the hope that future moms, expectant moms, and current new moms can know that they are not alone in what they are facing. See them below:
1. Sleep deprivation and the resultant fatigue. Lack of sleep was the topmost challenge cited by almost all moms who responded
2. Anxiety and panic –when you keep checking on baby all the time just to ensure they are still breathing
3. Breastfeeding challenges especially cracked nipples which come about when baby latches wrongly. Cracked nipples can be HORRENDOUSLY painful!!!
4. Colic… when the baby cries nonstop for hours yet they are not hungry or sleepy and you just don’t know what to do…
5. When you can no longer recognize your body as you feel all sorts of battered, bruised and sore in every area from the tip of your hair to the soles of your feet. Sometimes you can still look very heavily pregnant, yet baby came out long ago. New motherhood can seriously alter you physically, mentally and emotionally and you struggle to understand who exactly you are, what you are doing on this earth and if you’ll make a good mom
6. The feeling that your freedom is long gone as you are now confined indoors with baby. The frustration of not being in control anymore as every decision -the time you wake up, sleep, shower, eat, answer your phone, catch some fresh air… is totally controlled by the baby
7. As easy as it may appear, bathing and dressing a newborn can be VERY stressful
8. There’s just so much to handle as a new mom and this can cause overwhelming bouts of sadness that can either be baby blues or post-partum depression.
9. The strain of a new baby in a relationship. A previously thriving relationship can begin turning sour because of the new roles and adjustments. Romance can simply vanish into thin air!
It gets better with time.
So those are the topmost challenges I gathered from the moms who shared their responses. The good thing that I’d like to assure new mothers, is that it gets better with time.
Also, if you feel overwhelmed, please seek help from your family, relatives, friends, neighbours, colleagues, etc. Reach out. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help. You’ll be surprised at the overwhelming love and support that these communities have for you. You are not alone.
Do you have a motherhood experience that you’d like to share? Please email me at maryanne@mummytales.com
Mummy Tales by Maryanne W. Waweru is a platform dedicated to empowering its readers on different aspects of womanhood and motherhood. Read more motherhood experiences of Kenyan moms here. Connect with Mummy Tales on: FACEBOOK l YOU TUBE l INSTAGRAM l TWITTER
Image by Manojiit Tamen from Pixabay