Home Maryanne's Tales Friends Pregnant over the age of 40: a Kenyan baby shower I attended

Pregnant over the age of 40: a Kenyan baby shower I attended


Last Saturday, I attended a baby shower. It was such a special event for me, in many ways.

First, the last time I attended a baby shower was donkey years ago. It’s like all my friends and I all stopped giving birth because, age. I felt so good being in the company of my close friends again because wow! We have really missed these kinds of functions.

Second, the expectant mom is a first-time-mom. At 43! Absolutely amazing! Ehh, when I tell you this was such a great baby shower, believe me it was because all of us there, her friends, were aged 42 – 43. Mumamaz ?. This is a baby we have waited for and prayed for, you can only imagine the excitement that comes with that.

Third, si we danced! And sang! And kigoco’d! And played games. And reminisced on our good old days of youth. When we were invincible, indomitable, indestructible and all that. We laughed so much until you could see the little tongues behind our throats. But life has a way of mellowing one down. Nowadays, my idea of having a good time is napping on the couch, novel in hand. I couldn’t be bothered to lift these weary bones to take them anywhere.

But the bones gladly lifted themselves for this baby shower. We all let our hair down and danced ourselves sore. We made lots of merry, singing and yelling ‘wapi nduruuuu’ until our throats hurt. We truly had a blast.

Your guess is as good as mine on how the following day was like. We slept in all day, our heads pounding and muscles aching, unable to move. But si ni life?

Anyway, the point of my article today is not about the fun that my girls and I had. Though we did have lots of it. The point of this article is to let you know that you can still conceive naturally after 40 years, and that it can be a smooth pregnancy. For those women and couples who are trying to conceive, don’t despair. Receive your blessing in Jesus’ name.

Congratulations my friend. We bless this child. We are here to support you. And we love you lots!

Have you had a baby after 40? How was your experience? Would you like to share it? You can email me on maryanne@mummytales.com

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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


    • Yes we do. And we pray for blessings upon blessings to the little baby and mommmy. Thanks for your feedback.


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