Home Maryanne's Tales Friends Miss Babes Walks down the Aisle

Miss Babes Walks down the Aisle


Last Saturday I attended the wedding of my good friend and one of the most ardent fans of Mummy Tales. Her name is Miss Babes. Now, Miss Babes is a character and a half. She is one of those people who just know how to crack your ribs –just by saying something. Or even by saying nothing at all. She is full of loads of humor. She brightens up many my day.


And besides being able to make one laugh, Miss Babes is the kind of friend you can always count on to come through for you. She has been there for me in moments when I really needed help. We sure do need more friends like those in our lives.

So anyway, the wedding was quite fun and lovely –and it was all the more interesting because of the ethnic fusion –a blend of lots of Luo music and culture + lots of Kikuyu music and culture. Nicest!

Just pronounced husband and wife


Then I loved Miss Babe’s wedding gown. It was ivory in color, strapless and had a fish tail design. It had some cute decorative pieces, and I loved the way it fitted her ‘just right’ especially at the bust and hips area coz it brought out her curves so well. And then it flowed so nicely at the bottom –into a kind of small train.


And then, I loved how she and her bridal party danced their way to the cake tent from the bridal tent for the cutting cake ceremony. The young and agile (very good) dancers swayed their limbs to tunes of Flavor’s Nwa Baby song – sawa sawa sawa le…..asssshhhhh….. I understand it’s the latest hit in town. It was just too entertaining! And Miss Babes is not one to not take advantge of any dancing opportunity. Akose achekwe?


Then, I also got to meet my former high school classmate Susan Ogoma. Incidentally, she is a sister to the groom. Small world it is I tell you. Suzie and I had lots of laughs in high school, grew up in the same neighborhood and it was good to see her again –now both as moms and not the little young girls we used to be.

Miss Babes, you pulled off a lovely wedding. And you were a very glamorous bride.


I wish you all of God’s blessings in your marriage. May he guide your path as a family, and may you live to see decades together as a couple. Many kisses to Renee too.



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


  1. First, i am still Miss babes… ati Mrs who?? Im 18 till i die…

    Otherwise that was a great day i tell u… thanks for all ur support mama Kitty and i hope u get to witness Kittys big day (il try and hook him up witha mrs seeing as i ponyoa such beautiful ones)

  2. @Miss Babes it was a great day indeed. Haaaaa, ok for sure you ponyoa them good ones no doubt, ebu you’ll hook him up. Though I thought he’s already been booked by baby Zoe:-)


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