Home Maryanne's Tales Friends Carol’s Baby Boy Celebrates His 1st Birthday!

Carol’s Baby Boy Celebrates His 1st Birthday!


Remember when I wrote about the baby shower I attended for my friend Carol Salamba sometime last year?

Well, I attended her son Eli’s 1 year birthday party two weekends ago. Yeah, allow me to quote the cliché:  ‘how did time fly so fast’?

Yap, I also couldn’t believe that a year had already gone by, my my my! Soon, Eli will be opening the door for me when I go visiting his mom!

I arrived for the birthday party late because earlier in the day I was attending my chama friend Joan’s baby shower in Kiambu (as you can see baby showers form the bulk of my social outings nowadays). :)But by hook or crook I couldn’t miss Eli’s birthday, no matter what. The birthday started at 1pm and myself, Baba Kitty and Kitty arrived at 8pm.:) Thankfully there was still cake and sumptuous dinner to fill our tummies. Kitty misbehaved a little bit by wrestling all of Eli’s gifts away from him – you know – those lovely looking colorful toy cars and a tricycle which he couldn’t understand belonged to some other kid and not him.

Eli when he was a fresh newborn :)

I was happy to celebrate this lovely day with Carol and her family. It has been a journey for Carol who spoke to me about how she kept the faith and is proud to be a mom today, and I thank God for the blessings that he has bestowed on her.

Mother and son :)

Carol is my very very bosom buddy from childhood days in Buru, and I really treasure her friendship. I am glad that we today, as grown ladies, get to share and exchange notes on the experiences of motherhood as we raise our sons.  Love you girl and a blessed life to Eli. xoxo.



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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