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Carol Salamba: I Kept the Faith, and I’m Proud to be a Mum Today


After trying for a baby for many years in vain, 2012 ended on a good note for Carol Salamba. Today, this new mom shares her story with Mummy Tales.

2012 was the most fantastic year for me.  Fantastic is an understatement – ‘blessed’ sums it up.

Earlier on in the year, specifically in February, I discovered I was pregnant and I remember thinking that it wasn’t real.  I did 4 pregnancy tests on different days and at different times of the day just to make sure it was real. All tests were positive. I was so excited!

Sharing the news with my hubby was even more exciting because we had been trying to get pregnant since we came back home (from the US) in December 2010, so this was a nice surprise.

But this joy was clouded by the overwhelming fear that the pregnancy might not last since I had suffered a few miscarriages in the past.  But my hubby and I kept the faith, plus support from our friends with whom I had shared the news and who kept me in their prayers encouraged me a lot.

I remember crossing the 3 month mark and thinking, oh my this is so real – I’m gonna be a mom!

That first trimester was not as easy as the morning or should I say all-day sickness was very serious, but I made it.  Around the same time I also got invited to a job interview and I remember thinking to myself; who would hire a pregnant woman especially that now companies send prospective employees for medical tests? But surprisingly enough, I got the job and I thought – WOW – God is really smiling down on me and my family.

The second trimester was wonderful, I felt great, the little one was growing well and we also got to find out that we were gonna have a boy.

The joys of waiting for a baby, thinking of names and shopping for him was simply amazing.  The ultrasound moments were divine, looking at him playing and listening to the heartbeat was surreal because as much as I never lost hope that I would have a baby, the thought of never being a mom does cross your mind from time to time.

The baby shower came and we had a blast, and that is when I realised that the reality of being a mommy was close.

I went all out, took photos of my pregnancy, went for a baby moon with my husband – as all my friends had emphasized the importance of this time out with hubby.

On 12 October 2012 I left work and went for my last check up at 38weeks, only to be informed that my little one had not grown and I was low on amniotic fluid. The decision was made to go for an emergency c-section immediately.

I rushed home to pick up the hospital bag and a few of my things and rushed to hospital. My hubby at the time had traveled and I remember thinking, I’m in this alone 😮

I called him and he organized himself to get back to Nairobi asap.  In the meantime, I was getting admitted and preparations were being done to send me in for surgery.

I called my mom and she prayed for me and encouraged me because I was getting anxious and scared and praying that my little one would be okay.  I said my prayers and we went in.

At 8:16pm, it was a Friday, I remember hearing my son cry as he was pulled out of my tummy and I thought that was the best cry I’d ever heard.

The nurses brought him to me and he was the most amazing, most beautiful baby ever in the world – even in my drowsiness I still thought he was the cutest boy ever…

The first 4 weeks were tough adjusting to my new life as a mom, but all went well.  He is now 3 months old and has brought us joy that I never thought existed and we are able to love love this person unconditionally with every fibre of our being.  He has a killer smile that melts my heart and having him in our lives, and caring for him has given us the best satisfaction in life.

I now pray more than ever especially for him and also for other women who go through issues and complications while trying to have a baby because I would love for them to enjoy the same joy that we experience.

Watching him grow is wonderful, he is now smiling so much and laughing and we are enjoying every bit of it.  Can’t wait for him to call me “mama”.

UPDATE: Carol is now a mom of two, she became a mom again in August 2016 to a beautiful daughter. 

Mummy Tales is an organization dedicated to empowering its readers on different aspects of womanhood and motherhood. Read more motherhood experiences of Kenyan moms here. Follow Mummy Tales on: FACEBOOK l YOU TUBEINSTAGRAM l TWITTER 



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


  1. I went to school with Carol and reading her story has truly humbled me to realize how gracious and loving our Dear God is. Carol you are blessed. It may not have been an easy journey but I believe it will only get better as the years go by. Congratulations to the Salambas.

  2. Thanks Glado for you comments and i wish you well this lovely year for you.
    @Maryanne – always appreciated for keeping us informed and encouraging people to share and encourage each other. Thanks for being there for me through it all :-)))

  3. I so identify with the experiences Carol had gone through before this miracle happened. I am encouraged that my blessing and desire to become a mom is coming sooner than I have ever imagined because our God liveth! Thanks for sharing this Carol and Maryanne.

  4. Carol, have you ever thought you have a twin in your situation? Coz am right here. Your boy is older than my gal by exactly 1 week and yes, i know what it means to wait upon the lord. I waited for 6 years and he came through for me, it was not easy, and as you said, i discovered i was expecting on valentines day 2012 and it was the best day of married life. She is 10months in 2 days and she rocks my world. Thank you for sharing your story and encouraging others. Gods timing is perfect

  5. Madam Caroline Salamba, this story is amazing. I’m truly happy for you and your family.

    God bless you sana.

    • When i read all these stories they do give me hope believing one day God will bless me wth a baby..having lost my two babies…ain’t easy at all…I believe one day I’ll be strong enough to share my story and encourage a mother outside there…

      • Hi Stellah, from your lips to God’s ears… He hears you, and in His time…keep being encouraged by the stories of other women who have walked a similar path. You too will have a testimony someday. Hugs.


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