Home Children Product Reviews Baby Moon Giveaway Prize For a Pregnant Mom

Baby Moon Giveaway Prize For a Pregnant Mom


The first time I heard of a baby moon was I think in 2008 when a friend mentioned something of the sort. But it entered through one ear and quickly exited through the other. It was just one of those things that were too complex for me to understand. Besides, I was too preoccupied calling up my girls for ‘plot’ to be thinking anything baby.

Anyway, now is when I’m beginning to understand exactly what a baby moon is. There’s a time for everything, they say. So what is a baby moon you ask?

A baby moon is a vacation that an expectant mom takes just before her baby is born. A time for pre-baby relaxing and rejuvenation before that little bundle of joy joins the mix.

It can be a romantic getaway for expecting parents-to-be, a time for them to bond together and be free from all drama of their everyday living as they prepare for the baby. The couple spends this time reconnecting and taking time to talk about the pregnancy, the baby and the plans for the future –all in a serene and relaxed atmosphere.

Ofcourse, the couple may discuss these issues in the house (while one of them is watching prime time news and reading the newspaper at the same time, while the other is furiously typing away at a keyboard –or is it playing angry birds). But it’s not the same as talking about it by the beach as you listen to the cascading waves, enjoying the cool breeze of the ocean, or listening to the sweet harmony of the chirping birds and the swaying trees as you sip on an ice-cold refreshment with your loved one as you breathe the fresh, succulent air of tranquility (heh, at this rate I should try my hand at poetry).

A baby moon though doesn’t always have to be a romantic getaway. The expectant mom can choose to go with her sister, mom, cousin or good friend – someone close to her and who won’t mind hanging out with a pregnant woman and helping her relax before baby arrives.

Today’s times are different from those of yester years, as many are busy busy busy like bees. Many moms are career moms whose everyday lives are filled with meetings and reports and presentations and deadlines and traffic and studies and exams and side biasharas and all that hustle and bustle. Her weekends are filled with salon appointments, Chama, Lamaze classes, weddings, committee meetings, shopping on Biashara street, korogaing at Toi market, doing grocery shopping, visiting family.….all this leaving her little time for her needed R&R.

And this is where the baby moon comes in. A time for her to ‘just be still’ and take time to reflect on the pregnancy journey that is.

When I was pregnant with Kitty, I didn’t think about a baby moon. I think if I had thought about it, I definitely would have gone on one. I would have gone with Baba Kitty, and we would have bonded and taken time to discuss many things about my bump and our baby. And we would have done so while sipping on our favorite drink – ice-cold Litchi juice.

There’s always a next time anyway, God willing.

So if you’re an expectant mom and you have the means and time to go on a baby moon, I would suggest you do so by all means.

Better yet, you can be a lucky winner because I’m giving away a baby moon getaway prize to one Mummy Tales reader. The lucky expectant mom will spend 2 nights for 2 at one of the cottages at The Great Rift Valley Lodge and Golf Resort. All this courtesy of FunKidz.

If you are an expectant mom, what do you have to do to win this getaway?

–          Provide Mummy Tales with a recent full-length photo of yourself

–          Write a short description of your pregnancy experience (200 words or less)

–          Provide your contact details

–          Submit the above on the Mummy Tales Facebook page

Submit these details before Sunday 18th March 2012 on the Mummy Tales Facebook page.

Beginning Monday 19th March 2012, get your friends to ‘Like’ your photo on the Mummy Tales Facebook page. This voting (or ‘Liking’)will close on Sunday 25th March 2012.

The lady with the most ‘Likes’ on her photo will win the prize. So get your friends voting, and remember to tell them to ‘Like’ the Mummy Tales Facebook page first.

Best wishes from me :)

*Competition open to those in Kenya only.

*Giveaway caters for accommodation only.



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.



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