Home Babies Breastfeeding in Kenya: 16 Kenyan Moms Share their Most Important Breastfeeding Lessons

Breastfeeding in Kenya: 16 Kenyan Moms Share their Most Important Breastfeeding Lessons


Hello friends! So on my Twitter page, I asked my fellow Kenyan Moms this question:

What is the most important breastfeeding lesson you’ve learned that you can share with a pregnant or new mom?

And these were their various responses, which you can share with your friends as they are insightful and very helpful:

  1. Gatuiri

If you plan on exclusively breastfeeding your baby, I’d say pump milk and store as soon as you are ready. Especially if you’ll be resuming work after three months. That way, you will have less anxiety when you know you have stock.

  1. Rachel Ombaka

Knowing what type of nipples you have during your pregnancy really helps determine if you need intervention after child birth. With my first baby I didn’t know anything about inverted nipples and didn’t breastfeed as there was too much blood. My second baby breastfed for four months thanks to a nipplette that I wore during pregnancy and the nipple shields I wore after baby came (a nipplette helps with inverted or flat nipples).

  1. Mama Rigz

Fed is best. A well-fed child is better than a dead child due to dehydration.  There is nothing wrong or shameful about using formula if you cannot breastfeed for one reason or another.

  1. Vivian Gaiko

Breastfeeding is not as easy as one may think, so please accept to be shown how to do so. Also, you are not a bad mum for asking and accepting help. If you have older children, the breastfeeding experiences may not necessarily be the same. Exclusive breastfeeding (#EBF) is also possible.

  1. Samoina Wangui

Breastfeeding and proper latching is not automatic. Takes practice for many moms. Glad my mom was at hand to help the best way she could… it went a long way. I however got a bit of cracked nipples so that wasn’t interesting.

  1. Doula Wambui

My first son enjoyed breastfeeding and had a good latch from day one. My second one struggled with the latch and it took me a week to accept I was struggling. Ask for help. Every child has a different journey.

  1. Alison Kiriinya

Expressing milk is not easy. I had to learn how to express again with my second born despite having expressed milk for my first born.

  1. Njeri Njoroge

Milk doesn’t come right away. I had to get medication. When the milk came, latching became a problem but eventually baby boy got it right. Breastfeeding isn’t easy!

  1. Ainda

Proper latching is not automatic. Milk supply is not automatic. You could be an over-supplier or a low supplier. Drink lots of fluids and rest. Don’t try doing pre-pregnancy things. Do what works for you and baby… Do not think of what “others” will say.

  1. Bella

Avoid mastitis. It can be as painful as childbirth! If you have a lot of supply, pump pump pump!!!!

  1. Maryann

During my third trimester, I was advised to massage my breasts and nipples everyday with Arimis to reduce the rate at which nipples crack during breastfeeding. It worked! Latching isn’t easy, day one after delivery a nurse showed me how to.

  1. Patricia Lelei

Please please before you deliver buy a huuuuge tube of Nipple Cream and Nipple Shields – to help with the cracks and pains that come in the early days. You can get them from the shops in Biashara street.

  1. Wachuka

Please please before you deliver buy a huuuuge tube of Nipple Cream and Nipple Shields – to help with the cracks and pains that come in the early days…you can get from the shops in Biashara street.

  1. Agola Linda

If the latching is not done properly from the start, brace yourself for a painful breastfeeding session.

  1. Imelda Njoroge

Pump as much as you can and store the milk. If overwhelmed just give formula baby will be okay. Preterms however need breast milk so hopefully you get some.

  1. Dorcie Mutheu

My baby was a preterm. My milk supply was low from the beginning (due to medical reasons) and by five months there was nothing, so we just had to do formula and she’s done pretty great. A fed baby is what is important.

Related Breastfeeding Stories for you:

“I Knew Everything there was to Know about Breastfeeding. Only for me to Learn the Hard Way” – Faith Oneya

Breastfeeding Did Not Come as Easy as I Thought it Would – Wanjiku Wanderi

Why I Hid my Breastfeeding Experience from my Relatives – Grace Katiku

5 Breastfeeding Tips for a New Mum in Hospital 

So those are the experiences of a few Kenya mothers on breastfeeding. How about you? How was your breastfeeding experience and what advice would you give a pregnant or new mom? Share in the comments section down below.

Mummy Tales is a platform dedicated to empowering its readers on different aspects of womanhood and motherhood. Read more motherhood experiences of Kenyan moms here. Connect with Mummy Tales on: FACEBOOK l YOU TUBEINSTAGRAM l TWITTER

Featured image by Brian Odwar from Pixabay 



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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