When you are a new mum, you assume that breastfeeding should come naturally. Only that for many new mothers, it doesn’t! And she gets pretty stressed about it. For some, breastmilk doesn’t come immediately while some have inverted nipples which makes breastfeeding difficult, and for others, getting baby to latch on well is such a herculean task!

I spoke to Susan Muriithi of Toto Touch who shares tips on how a new mum (whether you are a new mum for the first time or a new mum for the third, fourth, fifth time…) can get off to a good breastfeeding start, right from hospital. She says:

  1. Start breastfeeding as soon as possible after birth –preferably within the first 30 minutes of birth.
  2. Ask for a hospital breastfeeding counselor, nurse or lactation consultant to come help you incase you are having problems or you just need to ask a question. Don’t be afraid to ask.
  3. Ask the nurses not to give your baby formula or any food or drink unless it is medically necessary.
  4. Allow your newborn to stay in your hospital room all day and night so that you can breastfeed often. Incase your baby is at the nursery, request the nurses to bring him over to you for regular feedings.
  5. Try to avoid giving your baby any pacifiers or artificial nipples so that he or she gets used to latching onto just your breast.

Hope that helps! Share this with a pregnant mum or any new mum you know.

Happy breastfeeding!

photos credit: toto touch



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.



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