Maureen Mwende Mutie is a Kindergarten teacher and mother of two; Nina aged six years and Maia -nine months. Maureen enjoys the joys that motherhood has brought along, though she confesses that the start was quite difficult. This was after the doctors diagnosed her baby as having clubfoot –a condition she had absolutely no knowledge about. This is Maureen’s story, as told to Sylvia Wakhisi.“Motherhood has been a learning experience for me. I have had both exciting and challenging moments and in the process, I have learnt a lot. My most challenging experience has been, when, after giving birth to my firstborn daughter, the doctors gave me some heartbreaking news.
I remember that day clearly. I was filled with so much joy in my heart when I saw my newborn. But a frown was soon to appear on my face when I was informed that my daughter had clubfoot. Club what? I had no idea what that was as I had never heard of the condition before. (Clubfoot refers to a condition in which a newborn’s foot or feet appear to be rotated internally at the ankle. The foot points down and inwards, and the soles of the feet face each other –Source)
The medics went on to tell me that the left foot was worse than the right one. She had to undergo physiotherapy to correct the birth defect.
At first, it was hard for me to accept the news. Images of my child growing up with a disability made me feel so discouraged. However, I chose to remain hopeful.Undergoing Physiotherapy
On the second day, my daughter began her physiotherapy sessions. Having to see my baby cry from the pain was the most traumatizing thing ever. I couldn’t help but shed tears. I would wince and cry so much!
However, the physiotherapist kept on encouraging us during each visit, telling us that our daughter would soon be discharged from hospital because she was responding very well to the physiotherapy sessions. He was very kind hearted and reassuring; we will always remain grateful to him.
My daughter’s feet had to be placed in plaster cast all day long. The cast would be changed every two days- which continued even after her discharge from the hospital. After two months, she had to wear ‘special shoes’ which are designed for correction of clubfoot. She wore the special shoes for twelve hours. With the help of our physiotherapist, my daughter’s feet healed after three months, putting a stop to the sessions. We were so relived; it was one of the happiest moment of our lives.
The Treatment Costs
The cost of treating our daughter was not cheap. We would be charged Sh6,000 as consultation fees for both legs per visit, and we had to make two or three visits per week.
Many people used to encourage and tell us about cases of children who had healed from clubfoot and were walking properly. Hearing such testimonies would encourage me so much. My daughter recovered completely though she started walking late -at 18 months. I still don’t know if this was related to the condition.
She is now six years old and you can’t tell that she had complications with her feet. She has got such beautiful legs and feet. I thank God for healing her!

What I Learned from it all
Through this experience, I have learnt to be positive about life especially children. It also strengthened my faith, that God always walks with us in our journey of life and will see us through no matter what we are going through.
My second baby was born well without challenges. Parenting is not easy, but every single day as a parent you have to commit your children to God. Be optimistic, follow the doctor’s advice because for your child to show improvement the doctors and the parents have to work together and all will be well.” –END

You May Also Like: My Mommy Instincts Helped me Save my Daughter’s Feet -Mary Onguko-Wanyonyi
Thanks Maureen for sharing your story with us. Do you have a motherhood story that you’d like to share? Write to and I’ll be in touch.
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Mummy Tales is a blog dedicated to empowering its readers on different aspects of maternal and newborn health, as well as various issues surrounding motherhood and women. Read more motherhood experiences of Kenyan moms here. Follow Mummy Tales on: FACEBOOK l INSTAGRAM l TWITTER
Very encouraging story,if one accepts first,then look for help anything in God is possible
Acceptance is very important. Reaching out for help too. You’d be surprised to know how many women have been in your shoes before, and how many are willing to help walk that journey with you. Talking helps 🙂