Nabubwaya Chambers is a Kenyan mom living in Texas, USA with her husband and their 16-month old son Lema. She loves sharing her motherhood experiences with us here and this week, she lets us know what her little boy has been up to.
“Lema has been exploring the world of crayons, coloring, and paper. He has finally moved past the phase of wanting to consume his crayons to actually enjoying the art of coloring. He seems to understand what crayons are for.
We have a book of Thomas the Train that he enjoys exploring. Also, we give him blank printing paper to color on then hang his work of art in his room, fridge, or put away in his coloring file. It’s good to appreciate our children’s effort at producing art for them and us. Instead of trashing their doodles, store them at an open location so you can proudly display their work. Perhaps a Picasso might be born someday in your family”.
I loved this post of Nabubwaya today because Thomas the train is such a big hit in our house! From books, to tee-shirts, to toys, to duvet covers, to socks, to cardigans, I buy all of them because my boys Kitty and Ello are totally in love with Thomas and Emily and Gordon and Edward and Percy all those other friends of his (ours)