Home Maryanne's Tales My Random Experiences I Want to Row a Boat at Uhuru Park Today

I Want to Row a Boat at Uhuru Park Today


37 weeks is where I’m at now. I. AM. TIRED. KAPUT. FINISHED. EXHAUSTED. These last days I tell you are the longest. So near but yet so far :( .

But other than feeling tired, what else am I feeling today? Today is one of those days when I just don’t wanna do anything at all but just be lazy. Being lazy all day long will make me one very happy lady.

Today I don’t feel like getting up, I don’t feel like eating, I don’t feel like drinking, I don’t feel like standing up to do anything, I just want to do nothing. If nothing was a type of food, I would eat it gluttonously. If it was a drink, I would have gotten drunk on it by now.

Come to think of it, I do actually feel like doing something. I feel like going down to Uhuru Park and riding on those boats. I don’t want to do the actual rowing or paddling myself, no, because that would involve a lot of work on my part, and remember that I just want to be lazy all day long. What I want is to have someone do the rowing and me doing the sitting and enjoying the scenery all day long. Are there little fish in Uhuru Park? I want to feed these little fish on breadcrumbs and just watch them scramble as I envy their simple lives. After feeding the fish, I want to laze back and stare into the grey skies, and imagine many things and dream many dreams that will make me happy. I want to ask myself silly questions, such as: what could be behind the grey skies? Could it be God’s smiling face? I have all the time in the world to hypothesize you know.

This weather is actually perfect for boat-rowing because I won’t feel too hot – as pregnant women are permanently wont to feel. I will have carried a picnic basket with me and I will munch the goodies therein happily. I will carry a thermos of fermented porridge that my mom brought for me the other day when she’d visited my shosho in Gatundu. I will also have a huge thermos of chai kienyeji and a little bitings here and there.  And when I finish eating, I want to take a snooze while still in the boat, and drool all I can just because I can and it’s free for me to do so.

I was last in Uhuru Park probably around thirty-something years ago when I was a tiny tot at a family outing. Today, I have a craving for going back there. That’s all that I feel like doing. Problem is I have no idea how to start getting out of the house. One is because I can no longer drive myself as my stomach is too huge for it to fit properly in the drivers’ seat. Second is that I’m feeling lazy and going outdoors will mean getting myself prepared and all that comes along with that and I just don’t feel like doing anything. So I will just lie on the couch and stare at the ceiling all day long.

It must be around this time that I wrote a similar post when I was expecting Kitty. Read here for a flashback of that post where once again, I was totally feeling lazy.

*Top featured image courtesy nanciemwai.com



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


  1. Lucky you the journey is nearly over, Im 33 weeks and Im totally exhausted. Wish I could fast forward the remaining weeks. My current craving is ‘Stones’ you know the ones pregnant women munch………….What I would do to have just a little bit. I have never eaten them, but a friend of mine talked about them and now that’s all I dream of. Oh, did I add that I live in Rwanda and I have searched high and low but they just don’t seem to have the stones anywhere..

  2. Rebecca, wish i hooked up with you when i was living there last year. At times i miss the life those sides. I am totally excited i have around 8 weeks to go. i am already tired …. totally jealous of Mary Anne. Would equally hasten the weeks.Anyway we are done with the bulk of the journey so lets just keep the faith and hang in there.

  3. @Rebecca I so know those stones!! I used to see them by the roadside all the time. Hmmm, pole sana you can’t get them where you are, but I hope you’ve since developed another craving 🙂 to replace that one? Congrats on your pregnancy by the way, week 33 is so near the end, hang in there. Been there done that 😉


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