Home Maryanne's Tales My Random Experiences Feeling very lazy today

Feeling very lazy today


Today is one of those days I am feeling like doing nothing at all. In the morning, I didn’t feel like opening my eyes, didn’t feel like getting out of bed, didn’t feel like brushing my teeth nor taking a shower. I just wanted to do nothing at all but gaze at the ceiling.

But I had to get up and go to work.

Right now I don’t know whether I feel like lying down and sleeping, walking, sitting, or just plain standing with my hands akimbo. Infact I feel like doing neither of the above. I don’t feel like talking, don’t feel like remaining silent, I don’t even feel like hearing anything at all. I just feel like staring at my colleagues and trying to get into their minds and peeking into their thoughts.

What’s more, I don’t feel like breathing through my nose. What I feel like doing is opening my mouth wide open and breathing through it. I’m in quite a lousy mood I must say. I wonder for how long it will last.

Maybe it has to do with this flu that has plagued me for about a week and which has drained/is draining all my energy. I don’t even feel like blowing my runny nose, I just want to let the fluids freely flow then see what happens.

But thankfully, the only thing I feel like doing and which I have not had a problem with all morning is snacking on several bites. That I am enjoying immensely.



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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