Home Our Series Young Women Leaders Ruth Ambogo: “I Moved from a ‘D’ Student to an ‘A’ Student...

Ruth Ambogo: “I Moved from a ‘D’ Student to an ‘A’ Student in Less than 10 Months”


Do you sometimes look at a young person who is so ‘put together’, youngsters that are role models, that you end up praying that your child will become just like them (and even better)? That you sometimes wonder, what did their parents do to ensure that they turned out that good? What did the children themselves do to stay on the right path?

Well, I’m sure there are no definite answers to this, but through their experiences, we can learn a thing or two and that’s why today we feature the story of Ruth Ambogo, who is the incoming president of Law Students Society of Kenya. The 22 year-old is currently pursuing a Law degree at Strathmore University. Ruth is also the founder of World Young Women Council, and the Country Director of MentorMe Africa. Ruth spoke to Mummy Tales writer SYLVIA WAKHISI.

Sylvia: Who is Ruth Ambogo?

Ruth:I am the first born in a family of four, and I come from a very humble background. I have a great passion for leadership and mentorship and mentor young people on the same. I run #ConversationsThatInspireGreatness on my social media pages (Facebook and Twitter @RuthAmbogo)

Sylvia: Tell us your story

Ruth: I was born and raised in both Vihiga and HomaBay counties. My parents’ small kerosene business is basically what sustained us. Thankfully, my parents are strong believers in the power of education, and always did their best to ensure we went to school, despite the great challenges they faced.


I particularly remember when their kerosene business began collapsing when I was in class 6. Life became really tough after that. We had to be in the shamba over the weekends by 5.30 am as it was the only way we would be assured of getting food. Many times, my parents would negotiate with my primary school director to allow me to stay in school without paying school fees because they didn’t have any money. As they did so, my dad would always remind me that, “We have nothing else to offer you except the chance to receive an education and make your lives different from the one we are living. So you better make the most of it.”

Also Read: “My Unexpected Pregnancy while in Campus” -The Story of Laila Laurence

His words remained deeply etched in my memory and inspired me to always work hard in school. They rang in my head constantly throughout my primary school days at Rongo Success Academy in Migori, where I worked so hard and secured admission to Loreto Limuru Girls School, a top national school in Kenya.

While at Loreto Limuru, my family’s financial challenges persisted. Many times I lacked certain basic needs and would rely on the help of the guidance and counseling office that would provide me with little supplies. I also remember the countless times I was sent home due to lack of school fees. This affected my grades significantly to the point where I started scoring D’s in most of my units in Forms 2 and 3.

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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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