Home Featured Mums Motherhood in Kenya: How Grandmothers bring Joy into our Lives

Motherhood in Kenya: How Grandmothers bring Joy into our Lives


Hi friends. So, have you noticed how ‘soft’ your parents are towards your children? Especially when you remember how TOUGH they were on you and your siblings when growing up, but yet how gentle and meek they are on your kids? Sometimes I look at how mellow my parents are with my sons and I’m left mouth wide open because wueeh!

Sometimes I even joke with my mum telling her how she’s changed, to which she tells me: “Si hata wewe pia utakuwa shosho one day…” Amen mummy, I receive those blessings 🙂

Anyway, I’m so grateful that I still have my parents and that my sons are growing up receiving the full love of their shosho, guka and kukhu.

So while on this story of grandparents, today’s story is a guest post from Patricia Malika, who you previously met here and here. Read below to see what she has to say today…

File photo of Patricia with her husband.

“My tribute today is to our grandmothers. These ladies are true gems. I count myself truly blessed to have enjoyed time with both my paternal and maternal grandmothers (One of them went to be with the Lord recently, the other is alive and well).

My grandmoms gave me all the love and pampering I desired. They took care of me when my mother (being a new mom then) didn’t know what to do. They let me in on family secrets and told me of the naughty things my parents did when they were young.

Also Read: How I Reignited the Passion in our Marriage: Patricia Malika

Even more of a blessing to me is that they both participated in helping me recover from childbirth and caring for my little girl during her infancy. They got a chance to play with their first great-grandchild!

The Relationship Dynamics With my Mum 

The lady in my heart as I write this, is my baby’s grandmother (my mum). I remember growing up I wanted to be just like her. She was my role model. I wanted to dress like her, work at the bank just like she does and also get married to my dad because she is married to him (I was a little girl then).

When I became a teenager, I didn’t want her around me all the time. I wanted my space. But once I had my baby, I wanted her constant company. I realized she was the one person who could answer my mummy questions, give me advice and look after baby when I needed the help.

Mum Becomes a Grandmom

I have noticed a beautiful change envelop my mother over the past few months. Becoming a grandmother has turned her into a sweet, gentle and ever joyful lady. She has become a gem. She no longer cares much about the cane nor fusses about little things. Her joy emanates from loving on her grand baby, who also happens to bear her maiden name.

Also Read: 8 Things to Do When Planning a Friends’ Baby Shower’ by Patricia Malika

My prayer is that one day; we will all join this prestigious group of ladies. One day we will also become grandmothers to the children our children bear. We too will become gems.

Until then, let us work hard and build lasting wealth for our children and their children. Let’s raise our princes and princesses in such a way that they will become a blessing to others. Most importantly, let us love our grandmothers, mothers and mothers in law, for we now know what they went through so as to bring us into this world.” -END.

Thanks Patricia for sharing your story 🙂

Do you also have a story or experience you’d like to share with other women/moms? You can write me at maryanne@mummytales.com 

Otherwise thanks for reading and have a lovely week!

Mummy Tales is a platform dedicated to empowering its readers on different aspects of maternal and newborn health, as well as various issues surrounding motherhood and women. Read more motherhood experiences of Kenyan moms here. Connect with Mummy Tales on: YOUTUBEFACEBOOK l INSTAGRAM l TWITTER 



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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