Home Babies 8 Things to do When Planning a Friend’s Baby Shower

8 Things to do When Planning a Friend’s Baby Shower


So, I think I grew old. Why? Because I stopped attending baby showers. Or let me comfort myself and say that my friends grew old because they stopped having babies 🙂

Seriously though, there’s a time my Saturdays were filled back-back with baby showers. Sometimes two or three in just one day. But now? They all fizzled out. Baby showers no more. Right now what me and most of my pals are dealing with is Matiang’i issues 😮

Anyway, today’s post is about baby showers, and we have a guest writer –Patricia Cidi Malika who previously wrote this post based on her own personal experience: “How I Reignited the Passion in our Marriage”

Patricia with her husband.

Today, Patricia shares her thoughts about baby showers. Read on…

“I just love the sound of that: BABY SHOWER. It has a nice ring to it. It puts a smile on my face. I love all things babies and baby showers. I remember mine like it was yesterday. Hubby and a few of my friends planned a surprise baby shower. The cake was tasty, the décor lit up our little apartment; the snacks were delicious (considering the pregnancy appetite) and the little clothes were beautiful. My little princess, who is a year old, is yet to wear some of them.

A braid spray that adds a rich shine to your braids

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Posted by Mummy Tales: Raising a Family in Africa on Sunday, November 3, 2019

I guess the most beautiful thing about the baby shower is the thought behind it. The fact that some people love you and your little one to the point of welcoming him/her with such beautiful gifts. It is a mother’s joy to know that people love her baby even before he/she arrives into the world.

As an Events Planner and mum, I realized that there are some little things that can make a Baby Shower really meaningful. Here is a list you can incorporate when planning a friend’s baby shower:


Involve the husband (if he’s available). He probably knows her tastes and preferences very well. Make sure he knows that it’s meant to be a surprise.


Invest in a few customized baby gear e.g. customized baby blankets and hats.


Consider the little things that no one thinks about: Coconut oil for mum and also for baby massage, breast pump, and maternity pads for mum.


Consider getting the mum-to-be foods that will boost milk production e.g. oats, drinking chocolate/cocoa, njahi, ndengu (green grams) etc. This will go a long way in helping her feed baby.


Encourage her and reassure her as she prepares for the birth processes. We all know how scary labor can be especially for first time mums.


Encourage dad too. He will have a lot of adjusting to do (the sleepless nights, intimacy downtime, baby cries and sometimes moody mum).


During the baby shower, talk about some important issues like how to bath a baby, baby massage, taking baby out for sunshine, navel care for a new born and issues like recovery for mum and post natal depression(how to recognize it and where to get help).


Lastly, get some tasty treats, a cake and the usual baby shower gifts, depending on your budget.”

Some bitings offered in a baby shower I once attended.

So those are Patricia’s tips, which I hope you have found helpful. Share them with a friend as they may be of help to them as well.

You may also like to see Martha’s story below:

Otherwise thanks for reading and blessings to you!



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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