Happy new year!!
How is the going so far for you? Hope it has began on a good note? Today feels like opening day for most people, wonder if it’s the same for you. Me I’m still chilling indoors taking care of the boys because Aunty isn’t back yet. But she’ll be back soon and then my routine schedule can resume normalcy.
Otherwise me and my boys are all good, we jumped the year well (direct translation for mothertongue) and we are off to a good start. Do I have resolutions for the new year? Well, not quite. I think I’ve been to busy running all over the house tending to my boys that I haven’t had time to think of anything called new year’s resolutions. And besides, I have failed in all previous attempts at keeping my resolutions so I’m not to keen on making them anymore.
Otherwise I am pretty excited that Kitty will soon be joining kindergarten. Next week ! I haven’t bought his uniform yet – largely because I am your typical last minute Kenyan. I procrastinate until the last minute possible and then I engage in a mad panic as I run helter skelter like a headless chicken. School opens on Monday next week, so I’m thinking of rushing to the school uniforms people on Saturday. Actually, on that note, my 2014 new year resolution will be to not procrastinate on issues and avoid the last minute rush!
Have a blessed and fruitful 2014.
Mama boyzz (as many call me nowadays).