Home Featured Mums Crochet Kenya Opens New Shop

Crochet Kenya Opens New Shop


Remember the mom I interviewed a while back – Elizabeth Muema, who said that “Crocheting for Cancer is her Ministry”? In the interview, Elizabeth, the founder of Crochet Kenya (a community-based organization) said she was inspired to donate crocheted chemo caps to cancer patients in hospital –both adults and children.

The caps, she said, makes patients feel warm and loved as they go through chemotherapy.

Elizabeth with her daughters.
Elizabeth with her daughters.

In addition, Elizabeth said that the hats also act as accessories to female patients whose hair is falling or has already fallen off, and who feel that they need some cover up. Crochet Kenya also sells some of their products, which helps them get funds to continue positively impacting the lives of cancer patients, who need all the love and care they can get. You can read the full story here.

Crochet_Kenya_5Well, it’s good to learn that Crotchet Kenya continues to grow. After being an online store since its inception, it has recently opened a physical shop in Juanco, Ngong town. The shop is at Lube Sill Centre, shop B4. You can contact Ressie Restiuta on 0725 742 666 for more information.

Also Read: “Don’t Touch Soya!” My Doctor said. Looking Back, Soya could have been the Source of my Breast Cancer” –Senator Beth Mugo

If you are looking for a baby shower gift, or if you’re planning on going to see a new mom, you can place an order from Crochet Kenya for their lovely items such as booties, sweaters, scarfs, blankies and even boshori :-).



crotchet_Kenya_4I salute Elizabeth for her work and to all the other women and men who give of themselves to noble causes. May God continue to bless their work. By the way did you know there is a crochet diaper? Neither did I.

Also Read: A Walk through my Cancer Journey: Wanjiru Githuka


Crochet_Kenya_3crotchet_Kenya_5bIn case you wish to contact Elizabeth, you can do so through the addresses below: Email: crochetkenyacbo@gmail.com Facebook: Crotchet Kenya 

Also Read: “I Lost my Uterus to a Rare Form of Cancer”-Jacklyne Nekesa Nyongesa


*All photos: Crochet Kenya



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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