Last Saturday, Mummy Tales was feted in this year’s Bloggers Association of Kenya (BAKE) awards, where it won in the Best Topical blog category. This is the second award for the blog –the first being in 2014 where it also won in the same category.
I began this blog in 2011, and to be nominated thrice during this period (2013, 2014 and 2016) and winning twice, is nothing but a great encouragement.
I am very grateful to you, dear Mummy Tales readers, for the support that you continue to give the blog through different ways: reading the posts, sharing your motherhood experiences, commenting on posts, asking questions, sharing the posts with your friends, and of course -voting for the blog. I thank you.
When I started out my motherhood journey, I realized there was so much that I didn’t know (that’s why I started the blog), and five years later, there is plenty that I still don’t know, and I continue to learn so much from fellow moms every day. What I learn is what I share here with you, because none of us can truly say that we are experts in parenting. It is my hope that the information I pass on the blog encourages someone, inspires someone, educates someone and makes you grateful for the blessings you have in your life.
I dedicate this year’s award to my two boys –Kitty and Ello, who continue to humble me each day and teach me so much about life. Without them, this blog wouldn’t even be -literally. Lastly, I am most grateful to their father for being such a great partner and a very present dad to our sons.
So thank you once again and I invite you to continue reading Mummy Tales, as I carry on sharing our motherhood experiences and creating awareness on issues of maternal health.
God bless you.
Remember to keep updated with latest posts by following Mummy Tales on Facebook and Twitter: @MummyTales
Congratulations mama!
Thanks Modern Mom! How’s your bump coming along?
weeeweee Maryanne.. congratulations! I am very happy for you!
Thank you Joyce!
Congrats gal. We are proud of you. Keep up the good work.
Thank you Betty. It’s by God’s grace. Keep reading.