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Notes from a Kenyan Mum in Texas: “Why Sunscreen is Our Great Need Nowadays”

Nabubwaya Chambers is a Kenyan mom living in Texas, USA with her husband and their 19-month old son Lema. Nabubwaya loves sharing her motherhood experiences with us here and this week, she tells us how her son lately relishes the outdoors.


Of late, I have noticed that our little boy Lema has been more keen on spending more time outdoors rather than indoors. He has been reaching for the door at the slightest opportunity he gets, signaling to me that he needs to be running and walking outside instead of playing indoors.

Lema outdoors_6It is still summer here and the daytime heat is ruthless. But what amazes me most is that Lema does not seem to be bothered by the heat. Whenever we are outdoors during the day, Lema is always in very high spirits. The boy grins from ear to ear as he chases away the birds that hang out around our yard, as he watches cars drive by our home, and as he tries to name everything he can lay his eyes and hands on outdoors. Many times he will simply just stand at the yard enjoying nature, getting caught up in his own world as time passes by.

Lema outdoors_7I however have to limit his sun basking time to about 20 minutes if we are taking a walk around the block or just playing at the yard. I always make sure I apply sunscreen on him and ofcourse, I ensure he has his hat on when we are out for walks.

Here are a few photos for you to see a day in the life of a toddler during summer in West Texas.

Lema outdoorsLema outdoors_2Lema outdoors_3Lema outdoors_5See more of Nabubwaya’s motherhood experiences from Texas here.

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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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