Ever heard of a condition called hyspospadias? Are there children in Kenya born with hypospadias? Or, do you know of some of the birth defects in a penis? In this video, I feature the story of a Kenyan mom whose son was born hypospadias, a penile birth defect.
But first -how do you know if your baby boy has a birth defect in his penis? What are you supposed to look out for? Can the condition be corrected? What are the treatment options? If hypospadias surgery is needed, at what age should this be done? How many surgeries will be needed? Where can the repair hypospadias surgery be done?
Actually, most parents aren’t aware of this condition until their child is diagnosed with it. Watch Evalyne Gatheca share her story about her son’s penile birth defects in the video below.
If you have a motherhood experience you’d like to share, email me on maryanne@mummytales.com
NB: This video is intended for educational and awareness purposes only, as narrated by one Kenyan mom’s personal experiences with her son’s condition. Please consult with your doctor or other healthcare professional for more information about hypospadias, undescended testes and chordee, or any other penile birth defect.
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