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Motherhood in Kenya: Elizabeth Simiyu, Weight Loss Entrepreneur and Engineer Speaks on Motherhood


Elizabeth Simiyu is mom to 7 year-old Karim and his baby sister Leila, aged 4 years. Elizabeth is the founder and director of Slim Therapy, which is a weight loss and wellness clinic franchise. Elizabeth was recognized as one of the Top 40 under 40 women in Kenya (2014) for her role in the health and beauty industry. Elizabeth also works as an Electrical Engineer and today, she lets us in on her life as a mom, and how she balances it all -as told to Mummy Tales writer SYLVIA WAKHISI.

Elizabeth with her children Karim and Leila
Elizabeth with her children Karim and Leila

Sylvia: Waiting to find out the sex of the baby after birth, or curious enough to find out before. What type of mom are you?

Liz:There was no way I could have waited. I was very anxious and curious to know and as soon as I could find out, I did.

Sylvia: How was the breastfeeding experience with your children?

Liz: I must say that I got the breastfeeding support I needed with my kids, and I’m grateful for that. I am a working mom and with my first child Karim, my then boss was really considerate. Since I lived close to my work place at that time, I was free to leave as often as I could in order to feed or express milk. I breastfed him exclusively until the end of the sixth month very comfortably.

When I had my second child Leila, things weren’t very easy. I had changed jobs and my new job was more demanding. I lived far from work so I basically had to rely on expressing milk, yet the company didn’t have mother’s room facilities. I tried my best and mostly expressed in my car which was quite cumbersome. I weaned my daughter at 5 months.

Liz with her daughter Leila.
Liz with her daughter Leila.

Sylvia: What snacks do you pack for your kids when they go to school?

Liz: My son is in Class 2 while my daughter is in baby class and as a mother of kids who are actively growing, I ensure that I pack for them a sandwich, and a juice box or milk.

Sylvia: How does spirituality influence your life and that of your family?

Liz: My husband is Muslim, and so are my kids. I was raised a Catholic, though I no longer actively practice the faith; it is the faith I subscribe to. I believe in goodness and fairness and gratitude….

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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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