I believe that I’m accountable for every choice I make here on earth and believe that there is always enough for everybody and I believe that I should always strive to leave the space I occupy better than I found it for those who will come after me.
Sylvia: What is your biggest fear as a mother?
Liz: Losing a child. I mean, I can’t imagine losing my babies. They mean the world to me and I don’t know what I’d do without them. As a mother, one has that wish to bring up her children, watch them grow and have a bright future. Losing a child is painful, very painful for any parent.
Sylvia: As a working mum and an entrepreneur, how do you balance between family and work?
Liz: It’s my husband’s support and my kids understanding and having a great team of employees, from my house girls to my employees at my business to my colleagues at work. I am blessed all round and very grateful.
Sylvia: How has your experience with house girls been?
Liz: I must say that I’ve been really lucky with house girls and I am very grateful. In the last 8 years I have had 3 house girls, two of whom are still working with me up to date.
Sylvia: What is your favorite family activity to do on weekends?
Liz: Long drives to grandmother’s house or any other destination that may be around 2 hours out of Nairobi works perfectly for us. It may even be a day trip as long as we eat somewhere nice, talk and bond as a family.
Sylvia: Anyone special you’d like to thank for helping you through motherhood?
Liz: Yes of course. There is the father of my kids, Fawaz, who is very present and extremely involved in their daily lives. People say you shouldn’t thank fathers for being “good fathers” because that’s exactly what they are supposed to be, but without Fawaz’s support, I honestly would not have been able to juggle going back to school, holding down a regular job, running a business and being a mom, so thanks Fawaz.
Sylvia: What is the best motherhood advice you have ever received and which you would like to share with fellow moms?
Liz: The best advice I have received about being a mother, especially of a growing boy came from my sister Annemarie who has a teenage son. She said to me; if you want boys to read, buy them comics. Because they have a short attention span, the comic books are a great way to keep them interested. It worked so well for my son, who is 7 and gradually phased himself out of reading comics to reading regular novels. It jazzes me to watch him with his head buried in a book, which I think is a rare sight to see of any boy.
Sylvia: Thank you Liz for your time.
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Mummy Tales is a blog dedicated to creating awareness about maternal and child health, and other aspects of motherhood and parenting. It is all about sharing experiences as moms, learning from each other and encouraging each other. If you’d like to share your motherhood experience with fellow moms, write to maryanne@mummytales.com
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