Home Maryanne's Tales My Random Experiences Here’s My Experiences Of the Baby Banda Pregnancy Fair’s I’ve Attended

Here’s My Experiences Of the Baby Banda Pregnancy Fair’s I’ve Attended


The Baby Banda pregnancy and baby fair is back. This fair was supposed to happen in October last year, but was postponed due to the very unfortunate terrorist attack at Westgate mall.

It will now happen on Friday 31 January – Sunday 2 February 2014 at the Sarit Centre. Usually, the fair provides for interesting activities which both you and baby (and daddy I guess) can engage in, such as the maternity beauty pageant, the diaperthon, the face of the fair competition, as well as informative and educative forums facilitated by gynecologists, pediatricians, nutritionists, dermatologists, counselors and all those other nice experts who help us in this our motherhood journey.

I have attended two past Baby Banda events, in 2011 and 2012. The 2011 one was good, I liked it, and I wrote about it in this post. I found the 2012 one to be abit… eeeee….I donno…. not as exciting as the previous one. The day I went (on a Saturday) was so crowded and stuffy and there was hardly any space to move or breathe.

In both fairs, there was a handful of exhibitors in the service industry (banks, hospitals, insurance etc) and there were plenty of those offering products (clothes, shoes, toys etc). For me, one of the main reasons for going to the fair is to buy stuff -for my boys. Like many stuff in one place. Instead of buying products from different shops, traversing through traffic jams in the scorching heat, or fearing to buy stuff online because of the disappointment being delivered for stuff that looks NOTHING like what was in the photos :( , the baby banda fair facilitates this by hosting different sellers in one space. You even get to buy stuff you didn’t know about, stuff you need, stuff you don’t really need but really looks cute anyway (grrrr to impulse buying).

Now, I certainly don’t mind the service providers, but for me they’re not stands that I stop at, because most of their products require deep thinking before I can buy them, and when I go the the baby banda fair, I really dont want to think because usually I’ve been thinking from Monday – Friday and I don’t like thinking much over the weekend. I just like being easy on weekends. And besides, they are not decisions I make on my own as I have to consult with Baba Kitty. So if the marketer or sales person gives me a pamphlet, I take it, put it in my handbag, then read it maybe a month later -that is if I remember where I kept it.

However, having service providers there is ok because I can imagine there are other moms who go there specifically to get that kind of information. I’m just not one of them.

So back to my baby banda 2012 experience. Seeing how stuffy that place was on that Saturday, I didn’t stay there more than 30 minutes. It could be because it’s the time I was in my first trimester -pregnant with my second son Ello, so I had little tolerance for anything that didn’t please me. However, I’d been accompanied by my friend Rose who wasn’t pregnant, and lets just say she was sweating more than I was, and wanted to get out of there faster than I wanted to. Two other friends of mine who went also told me they didn’t stay for long either because of the congestion and stuffiness. I’d planned to attend the maternity beauty pageant the following day (Sunday) but from my experience that Saturday, I gave the rest of the event a wide berth.

And by the way I also like the fair because I get to bump into old friends, some of whom I haven’t seen in ages, some of them now glowing in pregnancy, others new moms, others veteran moms –and we get to play catch-up. :)All in all, I’d definitely encourage you to attend the fair, and get your own experience from it.

Have a blessed week ahead.



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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