Home Maryanne's Tales 5 TV Shows you’ll Definitely Enjoy Watching During your Mommy ‘Me-Time’

5 TV Shows you’ll Definitely Enjoy Watching During your Mommy ‘Me-Time’


*Look out for a giveaway at the end of this post*. Hi ladies, how do you relax as a mom? How do you like to enjoy those moments when you’re able to catch a break – away from the demands of daily living? Or perhaps I should be asking – do you ever get any ‘me time’ at any point of the day, week, month or year?

Let me give my experience. When my sons were younger, I hardly ever had any ‘me time’ as such. In fact, there were times I didn’t even know what date or day of the week of the year it was, whether we were in the first half of the year or we had already moved into the second half!

But now that my boys are older (5 and 7 years), I’m glad that I get some regular and well-deserved rest and recuperation moments 🙂 . I usually have my ‘me time’ at the end of the day when the kids are in bed, and on random moments over the weekends and the holidays.

So what do I usually get up to during those moments? I either read a novel or I catch an episode or two of my favorite TV series. Today, I’ll be sharing with you some of the series’ that I’ve enjoyed watching –all of which I’ve watched on Showmax (with whom I’ve partnered in this post). I’m sure they are shows that you’ll love too.

Successful TV news anchor Mary Jane Paul doing what she does best 🙂
  1. Being Mary Jane

In my own admission, I’m yet to find a series that tops this one. I absolutely loved this show and its one that I can watch over and over and over again. It follows the personal and professional life of Mary Jane Paul (played by Gabrielle Union) who is a successful TV news anchor.

Mary Jane portrays the life experiences that so many women have gone through, are going through, or will at some point go through. It’s a very interesting show about love, family, girlfriends, friendships, trust, betrayals and career pursuits among other.

Being Mary Jane is a show that I highly recommend that you watch during your ‘me time’. You’ll love it! All 4 seasons are available on Showmax here.

Power, wealth, scandals… and the ladies who have to clean up the mess.

2. Devious Maids

Now, now now, this is yet another show that I thoroughly enjoyed watching. It’s about employers, their scandalous lives and secrets they hold –skeletons in the closet that the maids know every single detail about – sometimes even much more than those they work for. They have all the tea about it!

And the good thing is that amidst all the scandals, affairs, dramatic twists, turns and all manner of cover-ups in these homes, the show has plenty of hilarious moments in it. I loved all the episodes in this show, and I’m sure you’ll thoroughly enjoy it too. You can catch Seasons 1 – 4 on Showmax here.

3. Luther

This is a crime drama starring John Luther (played by Idris Elba) who captivates with his excellent delivery on his role as a Detective Chief Inspector. I enjoy the thrill of crime dramas; trying to understand how their criminal minds operate and how they think they are so smart only to get nabbed. I love it when they get nabbed lol, and John Luther is so good at that (and dramatic at it).

I watched Luther just a few weeks ago during the December festive season and I was so enthralled by it (even though I kept wondering why John Luther wore the same clothes all through – which I later on got to understand why he does so). I recommend that you watch it too. You can catch Seasons 1 – 4 on Showmax here.

All I can say is “McDreamy” 🙂

4. Grey’s Anatomy

Whoooaaa, where now do I start with this one? If there’s ever a medical drama that has been well-produced, this is it. Grey’s Anatomy is a show about women’s stories – stories of careers, love, friendships and all the ups and downs that life brings along. Basically our experiences.

Me let me tell you – I have cried with Dr. Meredith Grey, I’ve been happy with her, mad at her, handled difficult situations with her, mourned with her, empathized with her and all other range of emotions. Her and other characters on the show bring out the entire spectrum of sentiments that ever existed in this world. It’s a show that will be every minute worth your while. You can catch Seasons 1 – 13 of Grey’s Anatomy here.

A scene from Game of Thrones

5. Game of Thrones

Ofcourse, I imagine that you’ve heard about Game of Thrones, or #GoT as it’s referred to. Everybody who has watched it has rave reviews about it-  saying that it’s all that and more, and it’s on the basis of that that I’m recommending it. GoT is on my watchlist and I’ll definitely be watching it once I’m done with the current series that I’m watching (Line of Duty -another crime drama/thriller).

By the way I’m the kind of person who cannot start watching a new series until I’ve completed the one I was previously watching. If you’ve watched Game of Thrones, let me know your review of it in the comments section below. In the meantime, you can catch Seasons 1 – 7 of #GoT here.


I have three Showmax vouchers that I’m giving away to three different readers. With this voucher, you’ll be able to watch plenty of series, movies and documentaries available on Showmax over a period of three months. To enter, comment down below on the series that you’d like to watch among those that I’ve mentioned above, or if you’ve watched any of them, comment on the one you liked most and what you liked about it. Winner will be selected randomly.

Get Showmax Today

For just Sh250 paid via MPESA, you can get a three-month subscription to Showmax and get to enjoy the wide selection of movies and series. To do so, click on this link Showmax.com/mpesa

Thanks for reading!



Previous articleMotherhood in Kenya: “Parenting Each of My Children Comes with Different Experiences” -Edwinah Orowe
Next articleMotherhood in Kenya: “Celebrating my Rainbow Baby’s Third Birthday” –Kendi’s Story
Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


  1. Hi,

    I have watched greys anatomy (love the emotional highs, lows and in between!), Luther (oh the thrill, suspense and joy of catching the criminal!) and Devious Maids (the drama is amazing).

    I would certainly love to watch being Mary Jane. I hope to get the voucher ?

    • Hi Esther, I see you and I enjoy watching similar shows 🙂 Congrats on winning a voucher, so now you’re all sorted for watching Being Mary Jane on Showmax. Kindly email me on maryanne@mummytales.com so that I can share with you details of the voucher. Thanks for reading and participating 🙂

  2. How i miss those days when I could put my feet up and watch complete seasons of BMJ, Devious maids and GOT. To be honest, I haven’t had “me time” since baby number two who is 18 months old. I would really love to binge watch all GOT seasons as I await the season finale…
    That voucher would be the best gift ever!

    • Hi Wamarwa, I so feel you! Those days when the kids were young I didn’t have time either. I hope you do find some time to squeeze in GOT on Showmax. Congratulations on winning a voucher. Kindly email me on maryanne@mummytales.com, I’ll share with you more details about how to get the voucher. Thanks for reading and participating.

  3. Same here, my kids are getting older so I’m able to afford some “me time”. I also enjoy Being Mary Jane and Luther. I have definitely added your recommendations to my watch list. Currently I’m also watching How to get away with murder, Empire, Blacklist, Handmaids tale, Power, Lee Daniels Star, Real housewives of Atlanta and Married to Medicine. I generally watch several at the same time. I can’t concentrate on just one and finish like you ?


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