Home Featured Mums Motherhood in Kenya: “Celebrating my Rainbow Baby’s Third Birthday” –Kendi’s Story

Motherhood in Kenya: “Celebrating my Rainbow Baby’s Third Birthday” –Kendi’s Story


Hello friends, hope you are well. Now, the more women I interact with, the more I discover the untold stories that we carry with us –more so those related our various pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood experiences.

I have particularly become more aware of the hundreds of women who have lost their babies through miscarriages, difficult labor, still births, or within the first few hours, days, weeks or years of birth. Some go through their pain silently, while others choose to share their stories.

See Also: I Lost my Baby at 37 Weeks Pregnant. This is What Happened” –June Muli’s Story

Today, I share the story of one such mom; 24-year-old Kendi Kathurima. In January 2016, Kendi, then 36 weeks pregnant, was admitted at hospital with reduced foetal movement. She was filled with worry –and rightfully so, because just two years before in 2014, she had lost her baby under similar circumstances -results of reduced foetal movement. She remembers:

“As I lay there in my hospital bed, I was overwhelmed with so much fear due to my previous loss. I desperately prayed that God would save my baby this time round. And He indeed answered my prayer for at exactly 4.00pm, I gave birth to my beautiful rainbow baby princess Clare. I could not contain my joy when I heard her give her first yell, and was so grateful as I held her in my arms after all the worry and uncertainty.”

As Kendi celebrates her daughter’s third birthday this January, she also recalls an unfortunate experience she went through after she lost her first baby.

“The day after I returned home without a baby in my arms, my neighbour, who was nursing her three-month old baby told me that I was a bad omen. She warned me against going anywhere near her baby. Her words stung me so bad, I just ran to my room and locked myself in there as I cried.

I asked God why He had let my baby die, and prayed that He would one day turn my tears of pain into tears of joy. And He answered my prayers two years later when he blessed me with baby Clare.

Happy and beautiful mom 🙂 Kendi Kathurima

Clare is a blessing as she completely changed my life from bitterness to love. As I celebrate her third birthday this month, I celebrate it with so much happiness.

As women, I urge us to be more understanding of other people’s circumstances and stop being judgmental. We should lift each other up instead of pulling each other down. Let’s be watchful of what we say because words can hurt so bad.

I would also like to encourage a woman who is feeling down after losing a child by letting her know that she still can become a mom again. I am a living testimony of this, so don’t give up hope,” she concludes.

Thank you Kendi for sharing your story. Do you have an experience you’d like to share with other women and moms? You can write to me at maryanne@mummytales.com

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You May Also Like to Read:

“The Stitch in Time that Prevented my Miscarriage” – Selina Ojwang’s Story

“How I Survived Pre-eclampsia” –Helen Njoroge’s Story

 Thanks for stopping by Mummy Tales and I wish you a lovely day.

Read more motherhood experiences of Kenyan moms here. Connect with Mummy Tales on: YOUTUBEFACEBOOK l INSTAGRAM l TWITTER 

hand image credit: dreamstime.com



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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