Home Featured Mums When the Pregnancy Ultrasound Got the Gender of Gakii’s Baby Wrong

When the Pregnancy Ultrasound Got the Gender of Gakii’s Baby Wrong

Me and my boys. My legacies :)

When I was pregnant, on both occasions, I did ultrasounds that revealed I was carrying boys. And the scans were right. I was indeed carrying boys. In fact, I remember the ultrasounds being so clear, there was no room for doubt. On both occasions, in two flat seconds, the doctor was like “There –can you see? It’s a boy.” There was no that thing of ati ‘are you sure’ ‘let me look closely…’ ebu turn the baby a little bit we get a better view…’ No. They were boys. As simple as that.

So I went ahead and did my baby boy newborn shopping. Actually I didn’t do much baby shopping with my second pregnancy because it was also a boy. He just inherited his big brother’s stuff. Saved me lots of money. Yaaaay!

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But I’ve come across moms who tell me that the ultrasounds they did showed they were carrying a boy, only for them to deliver a bouncing baby girl! Or the scan showed that the mom was carrying a girl, only for her to deliver an adorable little boy! I must admit that sometimes I’ve had a good laugh about it with them as they narrate how they’d gone all out and done pre-baby shopping and bought loads of stuff for one gender, only to be surprised like that.

Gakii Muriithi with her sons.
Gakii Muriithi with her sons.

Gakii Muriithi is one such mom. When she did an ultrasound, she was delighted to learn that she was carrying twins. She was even more ecstatic when the scan showed that she was carrying a boy and a girl. How lovely!

Well, she was to get the surprise of her life when at 37 weeks, she delivered two beautiful boys –fraternal twins Loran and Lenny. Yet the ultrasound had revealed she was going to have a boy and a girl!

“I indeed got the shock of my life when I was presented with two boys! I guess ultrasounds are not to be trusted 100 per cent. Having two boys really caught me off guard, but it was such a pleasant surprise!” she laughs.

Gakii's adorable sons Loran and Lenny :)
Gakii’s adorable sons Loran and Lenny 🙂

How about you? Did you do an ultrasound when you were pregnant? Was the ultrasound accurate, or did you get the surprise of your life? Share in the comments section below 🙂



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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