Home Maryanne's Tales My Random Experiences Potty Training Kitty, Talking Tom, Dora the Explorer and my Phone

Potty Training Kitty, Talking Tom, Dora the Explorer and my Phone


So we’re still working hard at potty training Kitty (last I wrote about it here), and we’re progressing tu pole pole, quite well actually. Though something interesting happened the other day.

You see, I try to keep Kitty as busy as possible when he’s doing his thing in the potty – or rather waiting for him to do his thing in the potty. The best way to keep him busy is to sit him in it infront of the TV, then tune it to the cartoon channel. Works like I charm, so I discovered.

So what happened the other day is that the cartoon that was showing I think was boring him, so he started calling out for my phone, asking to play with Talking Tom. Incase you don’t know who Talking Tom is, he is this cat game on my phone (it’s called an app I think?) who repeats everything you say in a very funny voice. You can poke him and tickle him and just basically play around with him. Talking Tom makes Kitty very happy, and anyone or anything that makes Kitty happy, I’m game.

So I gave him my phone and soon, Talking Tom was yapping away after Kitty. I left to prepare a snack for myself in the kitchen, while keeping an eye on Kitty.

Soon after, I heard the opening tune for the cartoon Dora the Explorer, and I saw Kitty all excited as he totally loves Dora (it’s alright for boys to love Dora, right?). That was ok with me, as long as it kept him busy in the potty.

So I finished what I was doing in the kitchen and returned to my little boy. I started looking around for my phone but couldn’t find it. It wasn’t in his hands, so I asked him where my phone was.

Me: Kitty, where is mummy’s phone?

Kitty: Silence. He was concentrated on Dora.

Me: Kitty, where have you put my phone?

Kitty: Gives me the side eye, then continues watching Dora.

I couldn’t figure out where it was, so I continued searching for it around the potty. Still couldn’t find it.

Then Dora started singing “back pack back pack…” And Kitty rose up and started singing too, dancing all over. Then I spotted my phone. My jaw dropped down in horror.

Kitty had susud alright in the potty (good boy), but there, fully IMMERSED in the ocean of his susu was my phone!!!!!!!!!

Turns out that Dora was more interesting than Talking Tom, so he’d instantly dumped him for Dora.

I withdrew my phone from the potty and took it out to dry, removed the battery and all that. That helped a little bit, though my phone right now is half dead and is behaving funny – it switches itself on and off when it feels like. If you call me, it sometimes decides to go off midway in the conversation. If you send me an SMS, I’ll be lucky if the phone alerts me of a new message, and sometimes when I try to read it, it disappears just like that – gone forever.

Oh well, thanks to Kitty’s urea, I now have a quarter working phone. I have no plans to buy a new one anytime soon, so please bear with me for now if you try reach me on my phone and I appear to behave funny by hanging up on you, or not responding to your text message.:)



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


  1. I love Talking Tom!!! Though pole abt your fne….hehe all kids are the same…my fne was also washed in the kitchen sink and hung out to dry…you can imagine my horror!! hehe

  2. Ladies, if u think Amanda’s phone being washed and hang to dry is bad.. try my pal who walked into her house to find her two lovely girls soaping the TV… apparently it was very dusty!!!


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