Mother’s are very special people in our lives, and it’s only prudent that we appreciate them every single moment that we can. For some of us though, our mothers have already left us to be with the Lord, and all we have of them is beautiful memories of days gone by. Joselyn Mercredi Radak who is mother to a young son, lost her mother on 27 June 1997. She shares with us memories of her beloved mom the late Clarice Omundo.
Clarice was mum to 4 wonderful children: 2 boys and 2 girls, as well as an adopted boy from her sister-in-law. Joselyn is the second born in the family.
MT: What things remind you most of your mom?
Joselyn: So many things remind me of mum, but I will mention just a few important ones. Mum loved her family so much that she would go the extra mile to ensure we were all comfortable. She loved being smart, loved cleanliness and would always match her neatly pressed suits together. She loved wearing mini skirts – of course she had nice legs to show off, and she was well built and confident.
My mum’s favourite dish was osuga (managu), fish and ugali. She loved Christian songs, she was outgoing and a go getter. Her favourite colours were pink and navy blue, and she just always stood out with her beauty. She was actually a woman of class. She was a kind , honest, and loving person. She loved her in-laws, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends so much. One thing I remember is our house was a bee hive of activities with visitors as she was always a lovely and welcoming host, never hesitant about inviting them to the sumptuous meals she’d prepare. Her in-laws called her “Mama Otieno” (our first born), her hubby (my dad) called her “Honey” and to us she was a loving mummy.

She went to be with the Lord on the morning of 27th June 1997, at 1.30 am. I was just 20 years when she passed on. I barely saw death in our family. She was a pillar of our strength and I’m glad that we got to spend the last days with her.
The fondest memory I have of us together is when she came to visit in school just before I sat for my KCSE. She never missed visiting days and everybody in my school knew her.
I inherited so much from her – I have her body structure and smile. Whenever my aunties see me or my sister, they just smile because we resemble our mum so much. Her legacy lives on.

My mother’s absence has influenced me as I am raising my son in a Christian way and I also know the importance of family values. The first time I held my son Cedric in my arms I realized how much I needed a mother figure in my life, to guide me though child birth and care, but I thank the almighty God for a loving family who showed me the way.
We traditionally celebrate our mothers’ memory by getting together with family, having prayers together and dining together. Today, we will do it differently by having every family member light a candle in her honour since we are in different counties.
You may not believe this, but her passport photo has remained in my purse all those years since she left us. That is how dear she is to me. Nobody can replace your parents, it’s a great privilege, I urge you to love them unconditionally. I will always love you mom. – Joselyn.
Maryanne u made my morning. Thanks for publishing ma story.
thanks MaryAnne for sharing my story .