Home Featured Mums Mummy Stories Meet the Pampers Mom: Rita Njeri Stanley and Her Daughter Mavis

Meet the Pampers Mom: Rita Njeri Stanley and Her Daughter Mavis


Earlier this week, I posted a Pampers baby-dry giveaway on the Mummy Tales Facebook page. I had called on Pampers moms and dads to share their experience with the newly improved Pampers baby-dry diapers. The randomly selected winner was Rita Stan who posted: ‘tried all brands and decided to stick to Pampers and now we are on baby-dry and premium, and no disappointment for us”.

Four days later, I met Rita in the town center to give her the two packs of Pampers baby-dry diapers she had won. 23 year-old Rita Njeri Stanley came along with her three month old daughter Mavis :) . I had a chat with the first time mom about her motherhood journey and about her experience with Pampers baby-dry diapers.

MT: Hi Rita, tell us about your motherhood journey

RNS: I was blessed with my daughter in November last year. The first months of the pregnancy were quite challenging as I was working in a stressful environment. I was an accountant in the hotel industry and we would have crazy working shifts. I would experience abdominal pains every so often and by the time I got to 5 months, I decided to quit my job. I either had to save my job or my pregnancy. I chose the latter. The pregnancy thereafter went well.

However, three days to my expected due date, I noticed my baby’s movements had reduced. When I did not feel her usual kicks at the frequent intervals I was used to, I sensed something was wrong and quickly rushed to hospital. An ultrasound revealed that the baby had irregular heartbeats. I was then immediately wheeled to the theatre for an emergency caesarean section.

My daughter was born healthy at 3.1kg’s. As I held her in my arms, I was so overjoyed. That so far has been the happiest day of my life.

What do you Enjoy Most About Being a Mom?

I enjoy making funny sounds with my daughter, playing with her, bathing her and dressing her up. I love shopping for her and buying cute little outfits and shoes for her.

I am exclusively breastfeeding her which I will continue to do until she turns six months old. I am doing so because I believe that breast milk is best and she will develop a strong immunity which will help her fight infections much better. When the six months are over, I will begin looking for a job again. At the moment, I am staying with my dad who is very supportive.

Any Challenges so Far?

The worst bit so far has been when she is unwell. She had a throat infection and it almost drove me crazy. I was so worried and felt so helpless. It was a really bad feeling. But after treatment she recovered and in no time she was up and about. I was so relieved!

Share with us your Pampers Baby-Dry Experience

From the very beginning I used Pampers diapers on my daughter. I had bought enough stock when I was pregnant, and I loved them on my daughter.

However, one time I happened to try out a different brand. But the effects were disastrous. My baby immediately developed a bad nappy rash. I discarded that pack and decided to try yet another different brand of diaper. But it was yet another wrong move for my daughter reacted even worse. The rash got so bad that her skin became red with painful pimples. It pained me to see my baby cry out in pain from the soreness of her bum area. I regretted so much for having put her through that. It was at that point that I immediately returned to Pampers baby-dry which had never let me down. Once I was back on Pampers, the rashes disappeared and they have never returned again.

It is because of this experience that I decided never try out another diaper. I will stick exclusively to Pampers because they are the only ones that work for my daughter and I am very happy with them.

Apart from keeping her away from the rashes, what else do you like about Pampers baby-dry diapers?

I love the stretchyness of it and I know that my baby never feels too pressed by it. It leaves enough room for her to move about comfortably.

I also like the inner layer of the diaper which I find to be very ‘cushiony’ and comfortable for my baby.

I also like the Pampers baby-dry because they keep my daughter dry all night long. With the other brands I had tried before, I remember having to wake up at night to change baby because the diapers had leaked. You have no idea how frustrating it is to have to wake up in the middle of the cold night –to change not only the baby’s diaper, but all her clothes and the entire beddings! I have never had to do so when using Pampers baby-dry.

Oh, did I mention the lovely animal characters on the diaper! They look so cute on Mavis! I particularly love the elephant. It’s my favorite animal. As I change her diaper, I talk to her and give her a few tales about the animal characters on the diaper. It’s so much fun!

That’s why I am a totally sold out Pampers mom. Thanks Pampers and Mummy Tales for awarding me these two packets which I will add on to my stock :)

So there you have it. The Pampers baby-dry diapers are the only diapers in Rita’s shopping basket. Her daughter is no doubt one #HappyPampersBaby.

To learn more about what’s new and improved about the Pampers baby-dry diapers, see this post.



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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