29 year-old Rahab Nganga is mom to her adorable 2 year-old daughter Nouchka Muthoni Bazarbacha. Rahab is my former colleague, such a lovable lady who I was quite fond of. Today, I am more than delighted to share Rahab with you, sharing a few insights into her motherhood experiences.
Maryanne: When you were pregnant, did you want to know the baby’s sex early, or did you wait until baby was born?
Rahab: I definitely wanted to know the sex of the baby early enough. I was particularly interested because I wanted a boy and my husband wanted a girl, so this was more like to confirm which one it would be.
Maryanne: How was your breastfeeding experience? Did you struggle with breastfeeding, and did you get the breastfeeding support you needed after giving birth?
Rahab: Lucky enough, I did not struggle with breastfeeding. Nouchka latched well and my milk supply was quite adequate. We were good, thankfully.
Maryanne: What did you wish you’d known about having a newborn?
Rahab: I wished I would have known how much work it is to take care of a newborn and how much it changes our lives.
Maryanne: How has your experience with house girls been?
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