- It’s a day of mixed feelings. I celebrate my mum who has been such a great source of encouragement and I’m always thankful for all the sacrifices she made for my siblings and I especially after she became a widow. In the beginning when I was 100% hopeful about our childless situation I was very accepting of those who empathized with me, sending me happy Mother’s Day wishes because I have nephews and nieces that I care for and it was all good. As years have gone by, it has become a difficult pill to swallow especially in this age of social media where you get to see mothers with their kids happy and celebrating, and in my heart I’m bleeding and asking God: When will it be my turn? Will I ever have a turn?
- I am hopeful. I may not be celebrated by other people, but my husband celebrates me.
- It’s always an emotional day for me, as I have my spiritual kids and my students celebrate me. But I always spend it with my mum who until today still thinks I’m too young to get kids and wonders what stresses me, insisting that I should continue enjoying my honeymoon (4 years in marriage). My mother-in-law has never questioned why I don’t have kids yet. My true blessing.
- I don’t look forward to Mother’s Day as it always makes me so sad. I don’t know how my mother looked like, not even a picture to make things easy.
- It’s emotional for us especially since we lost my mum-in-law last year and now we’ve been trying to conceive for 4 years. But I celebrate my dear mum who has been very patient and ever praying for us.
- Mixed feelings because I celebrate my mother but still sad because I’m not a mother.
- Mother’s Day gives me mixed emotions wondering when I’ll hold my bundle of joy. But it activates my prayer mode. At times I ask myself which category I fall in because nobody celebrates waiting wombs.
- I choose not to celebrate any mother or children. Nobody –just tears that nobody can understand.
- Mixed feelings for me… especially in church when they ask all mothers to stand up and they are recognized. I just feel like being alone sometimes.
- Somehow on Mother’s Day I forget that I should be a mum and only remember to celebrate my mum who is one amazing mum. She will call to wish me a happy Mother’s Day though I’m not a mother yet, but for this year, it has come with mixed emotions having lost two pregnancies. I hope a time like this next year I’ll be a mum because I know my dreams are valid and God is listening. I live by hope and faith.
So those are some of the sentiments that women facing infertility challenges have. I found them to be very insightful and revealing. My take from them is that most of us love our mothers dearly, and we truly appreciate and celebrate them. They deserve all that celebration and more.
I have also learnt that we should try and develop more understanding about the challenges that women with infertility challenges face. On this blog, I will continue to create as much awareness on issues of infertility and pregnancy loss, just to try and achieve a more inclusive and understanding society.
Meanwhile you can join Editah in her cause, by joining her group on Facebook: Waiting Wombs on Twitter: Waiting Wombs Trust or sending her an email on waitingwombs@gmail.com
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