Home Maryanne's Tales My Random Experiences Comparing my First and Second Pregnancies: The Differences

Comparing my First and Second Pregnancies: The Differences


So I’m at 36 weeks now, and that old adage – that every pregnancy is different, hmmm…. I’ve been thinking of the differences between my two pregnancies of late, and this is what I’ve come up with:

With Kitty, I began wearing maternity pants at around 15 weeks.

With this one, I was already on to maternity pants at week 6! They say that first pregnancies take time to show, but with all the subsequent pregnancies, they show early. True dat.

With Kitty, I religiously watched everything I ate and avoided fast foods – especially fries and a succulent cheese burger. It was very painful to avoid these feeds, a huge sacrifice on my part. And pizza? Can you imagine even that one I had to sacrifice? So I reluctantly ate fries, a burger and pizza like once every quarter.:( Ofcourse it was ‘because I wanted a healthy baby’ but deep inside my heart the true reason was because I didn’t want to put on that much weight. Haaaa!! Look at how that turned out. The weight still came on and refused to leave, I shoulda just indulged.

With this one, I’m eating fries once in a while, because I find it very unfair to myself if I don’t and I find it very difficult to forgive myself if I don’t give in. Besides, they say it’s okay to indulge in your craving just as long as you don’t overdo it, right? So I treat myself to fries once a week. Atleast. As for pizza’s, yaaaaaayyy!

With Kitty, I googled a lot. I googled practically almost everything. If I sneezed three times in a row, I googled to check if that was normal. Before I climbed an elevator, I googled. Before I fried my food with onions, I googled. Before I crossed the road, I googled. When a black cat passed infront of me, I googled if that was a bad omen….

With this one, who is google? I think google is me because I think I know everything there is to know. As long as I read the weekly Baby Center updates, then I’m good.:) With my first pregnancy, I knew exactly how many weeks, days and almost hours I was pregnant. I would say: I am now 28 weeks, 3 days, 16 hours and 22 minutes pregnant.

Nowadays, I sometimes take me a minute to remember exactly how far along I am. If Baby Center’s weekly emails don’t remind me, then I’m not sure I’d ever remember.

With Kitty, I used to nap a lot. Like sleep a lot. While at work, my lunch hour would always be spent at the car basement napping away. It wasn’t comfortable at all, but with the amount of sleep I had, I never used to notice the discomfort.

With this one, sleep eludes me. I’ve never felt the need to take a nap as such – only at night, just like everybody else.

With Kitty, I didn’t have a particular craving. I was just hungry ALL the time and it really didn’t matter what I ate. Anything edible quickly found itself in my mouth. I was permanently eating – like 6 main meals in a day, and like 24 snacks and bitings in between.

With this one, I don’t eat as much. I actually eat the normal three meals in a day, and snack on fruits and njugu karanga in between. My appetite isn’t anything out of the norm.

With Kitty, I didn’t worry much about the pregnancy as such. I knew the baby would come healthy and all, and that I too would be healthy and all. But with this one, things are different. Since becoming a mom, I have come to know that conceiving, carrying a pregnancy to term, delivering a healthy baby, and actually walking out of the hospital with your baby in hand and both in good health is nothing short of a miracle. The 23 months that I have been a mom have been eye-opening, I have become more appreciative of life, and my relationship with God has certainly become stronger.



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


  1. Maryanne ave liked the last bit the most . It also came into reality that:
    ”I didnÆt worry much about the pregnancy as such. I knew the baby would come healthy and all, and that I too would be healthy and all. But with this one, things are different. Since becoming a mom, I have come to know that conceiving, carrying a pregnancy to term, delivering a healthy baby, and actually walking out of the hospital with your baby in hand and both in good health is nothing short of a miracle. The 23 months that I have been a mom have been eye-opening, I have become more appreciative of life, and my relationship with God has certainly become stronger”
    It is really a miracle.

  2. I totally feel you. The second one feels different.Lost count of the weeks long ago,i only have the EDD in mind.I recall i am pregnant once the baby kicks me.However having gone through a previous delivery and realizing it takes the mighty hand of God coupled with the fact that the birthing plan i have can change it makes it crazy for me.

  3. @Lucy Yes so true, we can have all our plans crafted out but God is the one with the final say. Congrats on your pregnancy and keep us updated when baby lands 🙂

  4. True thing yes.Cant wait for early june. You know i landed on mummy tales after i came back to the country late last year and its very informative.Equally funny! it makes life easy when i know there are women and mothers whom i can indentify with. keep up the good work.

  5. @Lucy thanks. It does feel good to know that I’m never alone in what I’m going through, I identify with ladies like you too and that keeps me going.

  6. I know too well the tale of not taking anything for granted. I had a relatively easy pregnancy. So when i got admitted at four cm and the doc assured me of holding my little one in a few hours i knew this is it. Finally. But i had long labor. Baby had foetal distress and instead of leaving with her in my arms i left with her in a casket going for her funeral. I miss her so much three and a half months later. Sometimes i just sit down and cry. But what to do.


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