Home Our Series Early Pregnancy Dilemma Pregnant and in a Strict Christian University: Amanda Marie’s Story

Pregnant and in a Strict Christian University: Amanda Marie’s Story

Amanda Marie. Beautiful!

29 year-old Amanda Marie is mother to 5 year-old daughter Ariyana Zawadi. Amanda fell pregnant while in campus (a strictly Christian campus), and had to keep the pregnancy hidden throughout. Read on… 

Maryanne: Tell us a little about yourself.

Amanda: I am a mother to an awesome daughter -my pride and joy. When not at home with Ariyana, I spend my day at work. I am the Operations Manager at a high-end clothing store based in Nairobi. I enjoy my job very much (I love the clothes, the shoes, the bags… especially the bags), and it is a great experience for me. Even though it is a challenging role, it fulfills me and I go home happy each day. And once home, I become even happier as I spend time with my daughter.

 Maryanne: Tell us about the time you found out you were pregnant.  

Amanda: It was not easy. I was in my final year in campus -a strictly Christian university I must mention. The campus not only upholds the principle of ‘no sex before marriage’, but it is against the campus policy to have a baby before you get married. Yes, campus policy! But I was comforted by the fact that I was dating the most handsome man in the world and I couldn’t hide my joy of having his baby. He was the first person I informed about my pregnancy.

But later, when we sat down and talked about it, I got scared because his parents are pastors. Not only that, but my parents are church elders so you can only imagine the kind of self-pressure we were in. It is perhaps because of this that I successfully managed to hide my pregnancy from my parents for the first five months. Sadly though, during this time, the relationship with my boyfriend became really strained and we split. It was just not working.

So when I realized I was going to do this alone, I finally got the courage and slipped a note into my mother’s purse. In the note, I apologized for getting pregnant before marriage and for not telling her sooner about it. When she returned home from work that evening, I was numb with fear. I was ready for anything. I then dropped the bombshell to my mum -I was pregnant!

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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


  1. This is a touching one i’d say. Reminds me of me… had to tell my sis to tell my mum at 4 months but it turned out ok.

    And Baby Ariyana is beautiful….

  2. @Miss Babes yes Ariyana is so beautiful (plus her name too!). Sometimes we fear telling our folks so much, but sometimes the shock is on us when they take it so well. Yes, so many ladies can relate to yours and Amanda’s stories, glad it all turned out well for you both.

  3. Thank you ladies….It’s encouraging to know i touched someone with my story 🙂 Thank you for your kind words @missbabes and Maryanne

  4. A beautiful story and what a positive attitude! I only find it sad that an entire institution has a “strict policy” that students should not have a child before marriage in the name of upholding Christian values. It is okay to uphold abstinence but what happens to those who find themselves in Amanda’s shoes? Where do they find comfort? She is fortunate to have had a supportive mother. This kind of unyielding approach only serves to isolate young women/couples in a challenging situation.

  5. oh i love baby Aryanna to bits she is very pretty and intelligent too…am proud of u dearie and u are blessed to have the precious gift in your life..despite the odds, it all worked out for you good! much love Amanda..

  6. Aaaaww Amanda my dear strong as always. I couldnt hold my tears coz I relate to your story. n yes beautiful chubby Ari. blless u guys loads.

  7. I’m inspired by your story. I’m 4 weeks pregnant third year student and am so scared. I am feeling so sick.

  8. This reminds me of me the strugles i went thru waaah i thank God 4 this far we’ve come n my mum she was n always has bin my rock


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