This is where Safari, and many other kids like him have found a refuge – a place where inclusive education is actually in practice. His progress isn’t as remarkable as it was when he could read full sentences in his previous school (a private institution) but he is getting there slowly. We are also thinking of hiring a tutor for him.
We hold such great expectations for Safari’s education, career and future; wanting him to realize it to the fullest without anyone or anything telling him how far he can go, so we keep trying out every avenue that will make it easy for him to learn and comprehend the world around him, so that he can fight and compete on the same level ground as any regular child.
I do admit that we struggle a lot just getting him to the school in Parklands, and this not only our experience alone, but for many other parents who are forced to carry their special needs children on their backs because they can’t walk and there is no school transport plying our routes. But we press on because we are determined to give our children the best education they can get in as much a normal environment as any other child.
His baby sister Maua is also about to join school. One of the unspoken fears in our house is that she will overtake Safari in learning /grasping grammar, and most aspects of the education system. Already she’s very sharp, and we hope that she will understand Safari’s condition and help him adapt the best in this world. We believe that she continues to learn a lot from us- where we see the best in Safari and not his physical limitations.-END
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Also Read: I was Told to Leave my Wife because of our Special Needs Child -Patrick Karubiu