Home Maryanne's Tales Mummy Tales in Bali, Indonesia

Mummy Tales in Bali, Indonesia


In January, I happened to visit the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia. Bali is beautiful. Spectacular. It’s just ‘one of those places’. Bali is one of the most-loved tourist destinations in the world, and rightly so. However, I had visited Bali to cover the International Conference on Family Planning, and whose activities consumed the better part of my seven-day stay there so I unfortunately didn’t get to tour the island at all, much as I would have loved to. That notwithstanding, the little I saw and the experience I got was nothing short of amazing.

I put up at at the Grand Mirage Resort -Thalasso Bali, which is a 5-star beach hotel in the southern part of the island -in the Nusa Dua resort area. It was a good hotel, though it’s family-friendly nature made me really miss my boys and their father, wishing that they were there with me. I wanted to share some photos of the Grand Mirage Resort that I took so that in case you ever happen to visit this beautiful island with your family, it is a place you can consider staying in. By the way if you know of a couple still shopping around for a honeymoon destination, tell them about Bali. They will not be disappointed. Here are some photos.

The room I stayed at.
The room I stayed at.




There were so many of these at the pristine beach, I thought they were so romantic. Good place for a honeymoon for sure.
There were so many of these at the pristine beach, I thought they were so romantic. Good place for a honeymoon for sure.
Dinner by the beach, if you so wished. Too nice.
Dinner by the beach, if you so wished. Too nice.




The aquamedic pool is made up of 100% pure heated seaweed and seawater, with a water station massage and exercise bar. Activities at the pool help reduce excess cellulite and improve muscle tone, flexibility and circulation through a series of aquatic leg exercises. The aquamedic pool stimulates body circulation to release puffiness and encourage burning excess fat. Below are photos of this aquamedic pool.













I lost count of the number of statutes in Bali -from the hotel to the streets, to just about everywhere. They are countless, literally.
I lost count of the number of statutes in Bali -from the hotel to the streets, to just about everywhere. They are countless, literally.


 So that was Bali. There is still a post on the streets of Bali that I will do, in a subsequent post.

Meanwhile, remember to cast your vote for my blog in the 2016 Kenyan bloggers award by clicking on this link. My blog is at number 11.b (https://mummytales.com/). Thank you for your time and support.



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.



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