Home Featured Mums Diaspora mums Diaspora Mum Ann Wanjiku from Germany: Dressing up My Son

Diaspora Mum Ann Wanjiku from Germany: Dressing up My Son


Last we heard from our regular guest writer Ann Wanjiku -a Kenyan-born mum raising her family in Germany, she was telling us about how she used to dry her newborn with a hair dryer after bathing him, and why she had to stop after just two days of doing so. You can catch up with that post here.

Guest writer Ann Wanjiku
Guest writer Ann Wanjiku

Today, Ann takes us through the process of dressing up her son, when he was a newborn. Here she goes:

“Dressing up my baby was something that I also learnt during my first motherhood days. This I did like layers of an onion. I was advised to start with a  short sleeved vest first, then a long sleeved top and then a romper suit for the indoors. When we were going outdoors, I was advised to dress him in a snowsuit since it was during cold winter time.



 For bedtime my baby’s dressing included having him in a vest, a pyjama with long sleeves and a section for the feet just like a romper suit. Then I would either swaddled him or place him in a sleeping bag. There was then no need for extra covering.

Sleeping Position for Baby

I was advised to lay the baby on his back while sleeping. The midwife also recommended that baby sleep with us (his parents) in our bedroom for his first year. However, she insisted that he must sleep in his own bed. She also told me that ideally the bedroom temperature should be 17°C.



In my next article, I’ll talk about another aspect of baby care – changing diapers. So look out for that post here on Mummy Tales! You can read the rest of my entries by clicking on this link.



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Maryanne W. Waweru is a Kenyan mum raising her two sons in Nairobi. A journalist, Maryanne is passionate about telling stories and hopes that through her writing, her readers learn something new, feel encouraged, inspired, and appreciative of what they have in their lives. Maryanne's writing focuses on motherhood, women and lifestyle. "Telling stories is the only thing I know how to do," she says.


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