The doctor then advised us to take her for occupational therapy. But I would go on to feel so unsettled once Princess started on the occupational therapy sessions. Even though they were helpful to her, the therapy to me seemed more like torture sessions. Watching her go through the sessions were very emotional moments for me.

You may also like to read more Mummy Tales articles on Cerebral Palsy here.

The exposure to more children with cerebral palsy only dampened my spirits more. Seeing much older children still unable to sit up on their own, and being totally dependent on their caregivers broke my heart. I didn’t understand why I should continue with the so-called occupational therapy. What for? Every day I thought of stopping, but each time, a voice of concern would whisper through my heart and I would find myself queuing again.

An older Princess during a therapy session.
An older Princess during a therapy session.

My curiosity led me to inquiring more about cerebral palsy hence my constant research on the internet. Mr. Google was friendly enough to get me most of the information I sought. I also got a supportive therapist who took me through passive occupational therapy sessions that saw me become a partially trained therapist. I must say that this was the biggest step I ever made to helping my daughter. It also helped me find some healing, knowing that cerebral palsy is not a disease but a condition that is non-progressive, and can only get better with therapy.


My Princess is almost seven years now, she can sit up without support – something I didn’t foresee when we started on therapy. She however needs support while standing. Love, patience, prayers, good diet and therapy are the main ingredients towards achievement of milestones.”

And that is Susan’s first post. Susan and her husband Patrick, as a result of their own experiences raising Princess, set up a daycare in their Dandora neighborhood to help other special needs children and their parents. At the Carevine Daycare and Therapy Centre, parents drop their children on their way to work or to run errands, leaving them in the safe care of Susan and her team. Porridge and lunch is provided free of charge. Therapy is provided on Wednesday and Friday. They also run diaper drives for children with cerebral palsy. Susan can be reached on +254722956574 or 

You can also read a story I had earlier published about her husband here: 

“They Urged me to Leave my Wife Because of Our Special Needs Child” -Patrick Karubiu

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Susan and Patrick with two of their three children.

Mummy Tales is a blog dedicated to empowering its readers on different aspects of maternal and newborn health, as well as various issues surrounding motherhood and women. Read more motherhood experiences of Kenyan moms hereFollow Mummy Tales on: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM TWITTER 

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