I hadn’t fully let my son in because as a mother, I thought I was protecting him. He had a point though, that I should not have hidden anything from him. He could have received the news from other sources, or he could have heard the news from the grapevine which would even have caused him more harm.

In November 2015, I went to India for a pet scan and there was no trace of cancer in my body. I was exhilarated. I went down on my knees and I thanked God for giving me another opportunity, a new lease of life.

 Also See: Lena’s Breast Cancer Awareness Makeover  

Today, I would like to encourage someone out there who has just been diagnosed, someone who is just about to go through chemo and does not know what to expect, someone who is scared that they are about to start radiotherapy. Take heart, my friend. Here are a few encouraging tips:

  • Those days when you have an appetite, eat well for there will be some days when you will not feel like eating.
  • When you feel like sleeping, do so, take a rest.
  • Talk to people, tell your family what you are going through. They have a right to know.
  • Ask friends and family to assist you with things that you are struggling to do. Let them know if you’re having financial challenges. Cancer treatment is very expensive. You’ll be amazed at how willing people are to help.
  • Read the bible and pray. God will always be your source of strength.
  • Faithfully go to the hospital for your appointments and treatment. Listen to what your doctors tell you. God gives them wisdom.



Positive Attitude

What is very important in the cancer journey is having a positive attitude. Sometimes you’ll have low moments -don’t worry, this is normal. Sometimes you’ll feel like crying -go on, don’t hold the tears, cry your heart out. Just do not let those few bad moments take control of your life. When you get over these moments, shake off the negative energy and draw strength from the good and positive things. Surround yourself with positive people, they will be your source of inspiration. Play all your other roles well. Go to the office on days when you are not down with aftermath of chemo. Of course, be a parent and help with homework, take your kids out, go to church, go for social gatherings, be there for your children. Try and live your life normally and walk around with an aura of confidence.”

And that is Wanjiru’s inspirational story. You can follow Wanjiru on her blog: Pink Hearts Cancer Support 

Do you also have a cancer story to share? Email me on maryanne@mummytales.com

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